discovered nudist detects the timer driven outside lights did not go on because I ‘d forgotten to reset it.
Hmm, timer is outside in front of in a surburban neighborhood, no fences everywhere and I live in a cul de sac. Hmmmmmmm, fast look, no one around…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…neighbors right next to me are gone, neighbors across the way live in their back yard, as well as the other neighbors we don’t talk to…heck with it. It is right outside the door, NO ONE is around I’ll only step outside real fast, alter the timer and no harm done right? Right.
Open door, step though, shut door because inside lights are on and I do not need to supply a thorough shadow to my clueless(about my lifestyle anyhow) neighbors. Correct timer, lights will pop on in 5 min. Brilliant. Open the door…jiggle handle…jiggle handle furiously…invent swear words while feelings of overexposure set in.
Fast look around while trying to recall if we really bought the spare key and had the presence of mind to set in outside somewhere for similar, but clothed crises. NOPE! Still on the counter. . Rapid mental review of open doors…back door, open…no fence surban setting, (did I mention I resided on the corner of the cul-de-sac?) to far to walk, garage car door closed but for some reason, walk thru is cracked open.
The garage door is open. Excellent. I’ll simply quicly walk over that way and AS I TURN AROUND, my next door neighbors drive up in the van AND my neighbors around the way who live in their own back yard walk by on the sidewalk by using their dog.
Fantastic. “Um….hi?” said while doing my best run while not running into the open garage.
Nobility isn’t a birthright, it’s explained by one’s actions.